I have a surplus of adorable baby rats that need homes, males and females but males especially. There are all kinds of colors and types from albinos, Himalayan cream colored, Black and White markings, Agouti, dark etc some have dumbo ears and some have the cute pointed upward ears. I have a batch of 10 slightly older baby males that are well socialized and especially sweet and then I have a bunch of little ones. I prefer to adopt out in pairs unless under special circumstances like you already have rats of similar age and wish to integrate one into your group. I've listed the price at 5 dollars which is the suggested minimum donation. I'm offering them at this time by only a suggested minimum donation of $5 (offer what you can plus the promise of love and care) because I have a surplus of them and the sweethearts deserve loving homes. You are most welcome to take as many of them as you like, and please pass the word on to other rat lovers. I do not want these sweethearts to be snake food, they deserve better. I know that females are in higher demand and although they're sweet and cute as well I also ask that some of you consider opening your heart to males because they can be especially cuddly and although they're known to smell a little more strongly than the girls there are lots of ways to deal with this such as making sure their cages are clean and using enzyme cleaner spray for their cage. What's nice about the boys is they tend to like to hang out with you and your hoodie. Girls do too but they more often than not tend to be a little bit more impatient than the boys, and a little busier, although they're all so sweet and fun (both genders !) Contrary to popular belief fancy rats of the domestic variety are sweethearts and by far make better pets than a hamster any day (Believe it or not hamsters, while cute, are not particularly social, whereas rats are practically as social as dogs!) if you are new to rent ownership I recommend doing some research before adopting, just so that you are prepared for how to care for them! Rats are fairly easy to care for but they do still need a responsible and loving parent. You must pick them up at my typical meeting spot at the TransCanada / bench Road Tim Hortons (Cowichan Bay.) These sweet babies come from well loved pet fancy rat lines. I am having health issues and so trying to slow down on my breeding outfit, but you can check out my FB page Izzy's n Daisy's Rattery. These sweeties deserve nice parents. Ratties can be a great beginner pet for an older, responsible child, too. Please reach out if you find it in your heart to give my sweeties a home. If you are unable to make any money donation I can perhaps wave it, and if you wish to make it at a later date then you can do so. My first and foremost priority is getting these guys loving homes ASAP, at this point.