Our 2024 pork is on sale! $7.50/lb. Pasture-raised on our ethical, family-run Tamshire Farm in the Cowichan Valley. Island Health certified; butchered through Lesters Butchery in Duncan. Only one box of each is available. Box B 1: 15.26 lbs ($114.45) 2 loin chops, smoked bone-in ham, 2 packs of bacon, 2 packs of mild Italian sausages Box D 1: 12.09 lbs ($90.68) Loin chops, pork butt steak, 2 packs of bacon, breakfast sausage, Bratwurst sausage, 2 packs of ground pork Box D 2: 11.76 lbs ($88.2) Loin chops, pork butt steak, 2 packs of bacon, breakfast sausage, Bratwurst sausage, 2 packs of ground pork Box E 1: 15.26 lbs ($114.45) Loin chops, shoulder picnic roast, pork butt steak, 3 packs of bacon, breakfast sausage, Bratwurst sausage Box H 1: 16.92 lbs ($126.90) 2 packs of loin chops, pork leg roast, smoked boneless ham, bacon Box H 4: 15.8 lbs ($118.5) 2 packs of loin chops, pork leg roast, smoked boneless ham, bacon